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Why Reverse Osmosis?

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), an environmental activist research group, our local water contains cancer causing contaminants, several of which exceed their health guidelines by significant multiples (shown in parenthesis) and present a possible risk of cancer and other health problems. Here is an example from Maricopa, AZ and you can find your own city by going to and entering your zip code.  If there are multiple suppliers in your area, select the one that sends you your bills.  Maricopa, AZ is one of the cleaner suppliers in the area:

• Arsenic (1,854x)
• Chromium (hexavalent) (315x)
• Haloacetic acids (HAA5) (39x)
• Haloacetic acids (HAAP9) (73x)
• Nitrate (37x)
• Nitrate and Nitrite (33x)
• Radium, combined (-226 & -228) (3x)
• Total trihalomethanes (TTHMs) (121x)
• Uranium (20x)

Drinking unfiltered water doesn't mean that you will necessarily end up getting sick. However, these particular contaminants can potentially cause multiple health problems with increased use, or in small children and pets.  The best solution for removing these contaminants is Reverse Osmosis.  Below is a chart EWG produced that compares 3 filtration systems that are commonly used to remove these elements.  And you can see why we chose reverse osmosis for our use:

NOTE: In EWG's "Guide to Safe Drinking Water" they mentioned that they found 30 contaminants in 10 popular brands of bottled water.  Their recommendation is to only use filtered tap water.  That's how we get the purest quality.  Tap water is filtered back to its purest state using reverse osmosis.

Our Prices

You have a variety of options with us.  You can choose straight reverse osmosis water. You can choose mineralized reverse osmosis water.  Or you can choose reverse osmosis with alkaline.  And you can mix these as you so choose.  We clean, sanitize, and refill your 3 and 5-gallon containers. We also revitalize the water using Grander and Emoto techniques (see links above). We can even fill your RV, Hot Tub, or other special container.**

3-Gallon R/O Water Refill $3.95 Delivered
5-Gallon R/O Water Refill $6.50 Delivered
Re-Mineralization + $.20/Gallon
Alkalization + $1.00/Gallon
RV Fill-Up $1.25/Gallon**
Hot Tub/Spa Fill-Up $1.25/Gallon**
Special Container Fill-Up $1.25/Gallon
• 1-Gallon Bottles (See Store)
• 2-Gallon Bottles (See Store)
3-Gallon Bottles (See Store*)
5-Gallon Bottles (See Store*)
Coolers - From $208 to $320 (+tax) (Link)
Cooler Delivery & Set-Up for Customers $29
Replacement Caps $.50 to $2.00 (+tax)
Special Products Shown Below (See Store)

 * Delivery customers get a 20% discount on 3 & 5-gallon bottles.
** You need R/O compatible pumps or we have to bring up the pH factor. 

Inside a self-service water & ice store.


Not only are we passionate about the water we drink, we've made it our mission to return the water to its purest form. According to the World Health Organization, only 2% of the water on the planet is safe to drink. Experts think that we could empty half the hospital beds in the world if we could just provide people with cleaner water. With up to 70% of our bodies made up of water, we believe that this should be the most important health issue for all of us. These concerns are the 'drivers' behind our business.

But what about at our local level?

Like you, we felt that many delivery companies were charging us too much for delivery and they weren't using the best purification processes available.  Experts on water purification state that to remove most of the contaminants in the water, the best process available is reverse osmosis (RO).  It's also a more expensive process to use because there's a lot of waste water that's produced in the process. That happens when the contaminants are removed. The reverse osmosis process removes 400 different contaminants including even PFAS and the antibiotics we all take that eventually find their way back into our water supply with our recycling efforts.

We gained this knowledge in our research. We also asked a lot of questions of health care providers. And most importantly, we used independently-produced data from by the Environmental Working Group (EWG). The EWG is a non-profit organization that tracks the purity of our water supplies around the country. 

Next we switched to bottled water.  It wasn't as convenient as water delivery. But it's wasn't as expensive - when you buy it by the case from the "Big Box" stores.  UPDATE: microplastics found in bottled water linked to clogged arteries: ARTICLE

But then the EWG found 30 contaminants in the 10 most popular brands of bottled water.  And these weren't mild contaminants.  They were the ones shown in our section "Why Reverse Osmosis?" With all the Big Box stores and supermarkets re-labelling other suppliers' brands, we had no idea which ones we were getting. And that was enough to finally push us into action.

We plan to change the quality and convenience of having the best possible water delivered.  We get our water through partnerships with suppliers who only use the reverse osmosis process and who also meet and maintain our purification standards.  But we go a step further. We test their water before we allow it to go into our delivery vehicles. We're using our knowledge and our standards to make it a little easier for you to get the purest water possible.  

And we've decided to go a couple of steps further.  We give you the option of re-mineralizing the RO water with healthy minerals. And we can also increase its alkaline content as well.  But the base is always going to be water that's been through the reverse osmosis process.  And finally, we also use the latest knowledge gained by the research of Masaru Emoto and Johann Grander to further purify and revitalize the water we deliver to you. See our Purification and Revitalization pages for more information on their research and findings.

We hope that you share our concern about the contaminants in our water. And we hope you also share our passion for bringing back the vitality and purity that used to make water taste so great.  We believe that this extra effort will make it much healthier for our families, pets, and even our plants. 

We're tired of our loved ones and pets suffering with everything from cancer to kidney and liver problems, when one of the biggest contributors can be made so much safer.  Think about it.  Although it depends on age and weight, between 60-70% of the adult human body is made up of water.  In an adult dog, 50-80% is made up of water. Let's stop polluting our bodies. Let's remove one of the biggest root causes of our health problems: contaminated water.

Finally, If you're wondering how we can make our water delivery so inexpensive when the price of gasoline has skyrocketed - the reason is simple. We use software that shows our drivers the fastest routes to take between delivery customers.  We send pre-delivery reminders that allows us to skip deliveries when the customers don't need refilling. And we use DC-powered equipment and deep cycle marine batteries instead of power inverters in our delivery trucks. That allows our trucks to be turned off while we're servicing our customers. That means we can save on gas so we can keep our prices low. 

We feel that going this extra mile for our customers is what allows us to provide the purest water on the planet - at the lowest delivered prices. When gas prices go down, you can bet we're going to pass those savings back to you and to our own families.

And yes, we give a percentage of our profits to a non-profit that we think needs our help - The Orphan Foundation.  They provide grants to low and middle-income adopting families.

We're all about families and their health.  We hope you will give our family a chance to be of service to you and your family.  


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